Author, Poet and Creative Practitioner

School Workshops
A highly experienced workshop practitioner, I create and deliver imaginative curriculum-based workshops for Primary Schools, under the banner of Mouse Tales.
Creative workshops for Primary Schools
Mouse Tales

If your school is looking for ways to bring creativity into the curriculum, Mouse Tales workshops have been designed to engage and inspire children through stories and creative writing.
Through workshops children will:
Be curious about stories and so be inspired to read and love books.
Be confident about their own ideas and unleash their imagination
Know that what they want write about matters
Fall in love with language
Details of current workshops below. Bespoke workshops can also be created to suit your school's needs. Please contact me with details, and I can begin to tailor-make your session.

“We love having Helen into our school. The children are so eager to participate in the imaginary worlds, listening as the story unfolds, playing along and moving to the music.” - Rachel, Y1 teacher
“All the children had a fantastic time when Helen took them Around the World during the drama workshop. They loved finding the treasure in the middle of the pyramids in Egypt and eating pizza in Italy. We can’t wait until next year’s visit.” - Tracey, Literacy Co-ordinator

The Word Bird
Focused weekly sessions for Year One children who have been struggling with their language and communication goals, led by the friendly puppet Word Bird. Original stories and interactive play to build vocabulary, improve positional language and pronouns, and increase confidence in conversation.

Write Here, Write Now
Full day workshops or week long special projects designed to inspire creative writing. Jump into the world of a story and let the children's imaginations run wild! These focus on key curriculum reading and writing skills in a relaxed and fun manner. Delivered in collaboration with Starlight Theatre Academy.

Word Bird's Storytime
Explore a story through imagination and play with the very excitable Word Bird! Go on a Bear Hunt, see if there's any more Room On The Broom, invite a Tiger around for Tea! Explore any story you want with these interactive, drama-based workshops. Perfect as an introduction to a new book or as a link to a class topic.

Meet The Author
A visit to your school from myself as the author of The Glowing Snowman where the children will hear the story read by me, and explore the world of the book. Includes a question and answer session with the children, for those curious to know how a story develops from an idea into a book, plus a copy of the book for your school library!

Poetry Workshops
As a follow-on from the Carrington Street Poem, commisioned by Nottingham City Council, I am currently in the process of creating poetry writing sessions using the local environment as inspiration. Drop me a message if you're interested in these workshops and I can send you the information once they have been finalised.

Project Development
As part of Sojo & Mouse, my publishing partnership, we are often looking for schools with which to run development workshops. We aim to include children's work in the development and production stages of our books. Keep an eye out on our pages and your school pigeon holes for forthcoming project details!