Author, Poet and Creative Practitioner

Current writing projects in the pipeline
It's both a blessing and a curse that my brain never stops! Currently, alongside the ever growing list of new story ideas which all demand to be written, I am working on a few other creative projects...
50 Poems in 50 Days

50 poems in 50 days
During the national lockdown in January 2021, I gave myself the personal challenge of writing a poem a day. I asked friends and family and connections on social media to provide me with themes or titles for poems, which I then had to create.
I managed to complete 50 poems in 50 days, before taking a short break and then completing a few more remaining titles.
The poems ranged from a haiku, short one-verse pieces and sonnets, to narrative poems and free verse.
I am now working on collating these into a book.

Play Anthologies for Primary Schools
Having already written 24 plays suitable for performance by primary-school-aged children, I am now working alongside another drama practitioner to create two anthologies; one is aimed at KS1 and one at KS2. These contain scripts, sheet music, tips for direction and general advice and ideas for running rehearsals.
Our hope is to make these anthologies available for schools in the near future, giving them a great and varied resource for bringing drama and performance into the curriculum.

The Glowing Snowman - Stage Play
I am currently working on adapting The Glowing Snowman into a stage production.
The story lends itself really well to the use of puppetry and live animation; I'm excited to take the idea forward and see what the potential is for this beautiful story to come to life!

"Helen is an incredible teacher and practitioner. Working with her has been a delight and her creativity knows no bounds. Everything is a little bit brighter around Helen, and she'll find things in you that you didn't believe existed." Emily - Writer, Director and Teacher.